First House of Owls

Owls are the birds that are widely considered around the world to be symbols of wisdom.

They are graceful and beautiful but also very elusive and mysterious. We love and adore them for so many reasons but their majestic beauty and mostly nocturnal lifestyles are what separates them from many other bird species.
The aim of this NFT series is to honor that beauty and mystery and display them in many uniquely hand drawn images of these magical creatures.

All of these pieces are meticulously crafted one at a time by our artists, we are not using a neural network or randomly computer generated images.
Some of this unique art will reference and pay honor to famous Owls from cartoons, TV series, films and more.

This collection will be limited to #888 paintings. Our focus is on quality not quantity.


November 18, 2021

Project start
- WebSite
- Instagram
- Twitter
- Telegram
November 18, 2021
January, 2022

We are starting to promote our social networks. The first investors will begin to learn about the project as we spread the word.
January, 2022
October, 2022

We have been painting our owls for 10 months and we are ready to sell all the paintings.
October, 2022
November, 2022

Our goal is to establish the relationships with organizations such as Wildhouse Hospitals and natural centers that are helping to protect owls from all around the world. We are more than willing to donate 8% of our profits and provide help for the well-being of our favorite birds!
November, 2022
December, 2022

88 caps
88 lucky people received branded caps!
December, 2022
Janurary, 2023

In order to make our collection more popular, we want to make joint paintings with another project in a limited number.
Janurary, 2023
March, 2023

Partnership with a clothing brand
Сollaboration with a famous clothing brand. Now it has become a reality. Our trendy owls have become part of the real world.
March, 2023
April, 2023

The partnership with a jewelry brand
Only exclusive and quality production, the only one who can make the perfect collab with our owls.
April, 2023
May, 2023

We have become one of the most popular collection in NFT!
We have achieved this, we are not just a collection, we have saved dozens of owls around the world! To be continued...
May, 2023


88 lucky people out of 888 who buy an owl at the auction will receive a branded cap with the logo of our project. 88 people will be randomly selected. This cap will ship anywhere in the world.

One of the first tasks after the sale of all paintings is to donate 8% from hospitals and reserves that take care of birds, in particular owls. Imagine that you have a cool NFT digital painting that is worth a lot of money, and you also donated money and saved a bird. Cool?

We want you to become a member of our family here! Join us!


So far there are only a few members in the family, however each of us has a special role to play in our important journey that we will all take together. The most important thing we will actually accomplish together is sharing our love for these wonderful owls, to raise awareness and to do what we can to help protect them in their natural habitat!

Our plan is to finish painting 888 unique handmade NFT owls by October 2022. We can all help change the world with The Owls of the World.

